07:00 Wake up bell on weekdays, dress in gym clothes
07:15 Morning exercises at the Simpson-Temple Sports Centre or jogging (weather permitting – not mandatory on weekends)
07:45 Wash, dress and uniform inspection in the hall
08:15 Breakfast buffet (opened till 9:15 on weekends)
08:45 The O&P school bus leaves for Montreux and drops the girls at the Montreux International Campus of High School and College
(the girls’ bicycles are placed on a trailer hitched to the school bus for them to return on their own – weather permitting)
09:00 – 12:30 Classes at the International Campus
12:30 Lunch buffet at the campus cafeteria
(paid with the girls’ O&P smart ID cards)
13:30 – 16:00 More classes at the International Campus or extra curricular activities
16:00 Return to Oaks and Pines
(with the school bus or with their bikes – weather permitting)
16:30 Mid afternoon tea and cookies
16:45 O&P additional classes, supervised homework in the library, music practice or sports
18:45 Preparation for dinner
19:00 Dinner buffet
20:00 Evening at leisure
21:45 Bedtime for the juniors
(evening prayer – not mandatory)
22:00 Lights out in the junior dormitory rooms
22:15 Bedtime for the seniors
(evening prayer – not mandatory)
22:30 Lights out in the senior dormitory rooms