Angela Akehust

Angela has been sent to Oaks and Pines by her parents who feel that she needs to have her education ‘finished’. She would have much rather have remained at her small local school in Surrey where she was a ‘grade A’ student. She was popular with the staff, if not with most of her class who found her rather too studious, quiet and stand offish.
 In reality she is rather shy and does not find it easy to make friends. She didn’t easily fit into the modern English education system.
Her parents have been so preoccupied with work that they have not travelled widely with their daughter. Hence the decision to send her to Oaks and Pines where she can see a bit more of the world in a secure environment whilst continuing to study.
Angela is 5’ tall and has dark brown curly hair. She has a round face with a snub nose. She would describe herself as ‘ordinary looking’ with a slim figure.